5 Awesome Tips about eProposal
eProposal packs a powerful punch, empowering you to respond to RFPs with personalized, on-brand and media-rich proposals in seconds.
5 Awesome Tips about eProposal
eProposal packs a powerful punch, empowering you to respond to RFPs with personalized, on-brand and media-rich proposals in seconds.
Artificial intelligence & hotel marketing
Data has shifted the foundation of the hotel industry. Managers can now segment guest profiles to infinite degrees, creating a comprehensive picture of who’s staying at their properties and engaging with their brand. The question isn’t just how to make that data work – it’s how to make that data work automatically. And we can now achieve this with artificial intelligence and predictive analytics.
Artificial intelligence & hotel marketing
Data has shifted the foundation of the hotel industry. Managers can now segment guest profiles to infinite degrees, creating a comprehensive picture of who’s staying at their properties and engaging with their brand. The question isn’t just how to make that data work – it’s how to make that data work automatically. And we can now achieve this with artificial intelligence and predictive analytics.
Artificial intelligence & hotel marketing
Data has shifted the foundation of the hotel industry. Managers can now segment guest profiles to infinite degrees, creating a comprehensive picture of who’s staying at their properties and engaging with their brand. The question isn’t just how to make that data work – it’s how to make that data work automatically. And we can now achieve this with artificial intelligence and predictive analytics.
The key to executing smarter meetings
Event Management technology has enabled companies to better manage complex enterprise-wide meeting related processes, spend, volumes and policies while collecting a vast amount of valuable attendee and event data. One of the most profound benefits of this technology is that it has nearly rendered spreadsheets and conference binders obsolete. However, we often forget that it can be used to improve the attendee experience as well. It seems that SMM technology that can quantify the Return On Events (ROE) and attendee engagement is now playing an important role in bringing back the relevancy of in-person meetings.
The key to executing smarter meetings
Event Management technology has enabled companies to better manage complex enterprise-wide meeting related processes, spend, volumes and policies while collecting a vast amount of valuable attendee and event data. One of the most profound benefits of this technology is that it has nearly rendered spreadsheets and conference binders obsolete. However, we often forget that it can be used to improve the attendee experience as well. It seems that SMM technology that can quantify the Return On Events (ROE) and attendee engagement is now playing an important role in bringing back the relevancy of in-person meetings.
The key to executing smarter meetings
Event Management technology has enabled companies to better manage complex enterprise-wide meeting related processes, spend, volumes and policies while collecting a vast amount of valuable attendee and event data. One of the most profound benefits of this technology is that it has nearly rendered spreadsheets and conference binders obsolete. However, we often forget that it can be used to improve the attendee experience as well. It seems that SMM technology that can quantify the Return On Events (ROE) and attendee engagement is now playing an important role in bringing back the relevancy of in-person meetings.
Are you drowning in RFPs?
When compared to five years ago, hotels have seen a 300% increase in RFP leads from meeting planners. As a hotel, how do you handle the onslaught on these incoming requests? Do you hire an army of sales managers or do you miss out on the opportunity to increase yield and RevPAR? Ideally, you won’t have to deal with either of those scenarios. The advance of electronic RFP technology has finally given hotels the ability to streamline, automate, curate RFP responses, giving each request the attention and personalization it requires to secure that business.
Are you drowning in RFPs?
When compared to five years ago, hotels have seen a 300% increase in RFP leads from meeting planners. As a hotel, how do you handle the onslaught on these incoming requests? Do you hire an army of sales managers or do you miss out on the opportunity to increase yield and RevPAR? Ideally, you won’t have to deal with either of those scenarios. The advance of electronic RFP technology has finally given hotels the ability to streamline, automate, curate RFP responses, giving each request the attention and personalization it requires to secure that business.