Travel chat with Nicki Graham, Senior Marketing & Communications Manager

Dislike the journey, but love the destination? Cendyn’s Senior Marketing & Communications Manager, Nicola Graham, shows us how the frustrations every world traveler deals with is all worth it in the end. Read her secrets and stories to making the best of every situation.
How long have you been traveling? Right now? I left my house in London at 6.30am this morning and it’s now 2:00 PM – I get into Miami in 6 hours.
What do you do to avoid getting sick? I don’t get travel sick, just hate flying.
What is the best way to change currency? Don’t. Use your card, I can’t remember the last time I took cash out. I’d love it if everywhere could just adopt WeChat so I can start paying for everything with one app. Also, with the current state of the British pound, it’s best not to know what rate you’re getting.
Aisle or Window? Window.
Tips on how to take a nap on a plane? Hope that it’s empty so you can get your leg stretch on. If that fails … Wine!
What’s your favorite airline and hotel? Airline – British Airways. Hotel – any small, little independent hotel – the quirkier and more hidden away the better.
Best way to overcome jetlag? Loads of green tea (I don’t drink coffee).
What is your favorite/worst thing about traveling? Worst thing would have to be flying. Well, takeoff and landing specifically. Favourite thing? All the rest of it, I just love getting away and travelling at any opportunity, my boyfriend and I (and puppy dog Yukon) try and get away most weekends.
What is your longest trip to date? (Number of nights and location) Hmm, would probably be when we quit our jobs and went off to Australia for a month, followed by flying straight to Canada (we went the long way round) to live for 2 years. So, 2 years and 1 month?
Do you believe you don’t know someone until you have traveled with them? I’d say it definitely helps, well it helps you determine if you’re going to love or hate them that’s for sure!
What is your travel horror story? Driving from northern Spain (near San Sebastian) to the south (Seville) and picking up 3 speeding tickets on the way, along with a fine for driving in broad daylight with no headlights on. Oops.
Favorite destination and why? Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. It was our home for 2 years and given the opportunity I’d go back in a flash. Who couldn’t love being surrounded by mountains, lakes, snow and bears.