Nicki Graham 12 Sep 2017

First party data is a hotel’s most valuable asset. Unfortunately, too often that data simply sits there, getting stale, while nobody does anything with it. Our view at Cendyn is that we need to unlock the power of that data, making it actionable in an intelligent way so that data can be used to drive real business results.

How data can enhance every guest’s journey

Thinking back on your own experiences in booking travel, you can begin to envision your guest’s journey. When you have a destination in mind, you start by searching through an average of 20 different websites before making a booking decision. Then, when you’ve decided to book your travel, you use an online booking engine, or contact a call center and speak with a booking agent directly.

During your travel, you may be communicating with the property, planning activities, putting in requests for your stay to ensure you have your room set the way you want, or making upgrades. Once you arrive, you interact with the front desk and the concierge, and when you check out, you’re asked to review the property and share your experience on social media.

As guests move through their journeys, they interact with a myriad of different systems, but historically, those systems would not talk to each other. Each system would hold a sliver of information about each customer, but they would not be stitched together in any meaningful way.

Would a repeat guest rather hear “Have you stayed with us before?” from the agent at the front desk, or would they prefer the agent deliver a personalized “Welcome back!” message, complete with upgrade offers that take into account their previous room choices and dining preferences? At Cendyn, we bring all of your data together so you capture it, enhance it, and leverage it to have a more meaningful, personalized, and relevant communication with your guests at every touchpoint.

Investing in data pays back $33 for every dollar

We measure ROI across all of our clients, and on average, for every dollar they spend on a Cendyn data solution, they make back $33 in booking revenue, much higher than the industry average. That’s because leveraging the power of the data in combination with human intellect can drive better engagement levels and improve customer relationships. Instead of allowing guest data to languish, we help our clients push that rich data out to the front lines, so the staff who are face-to-face with the guest on property have it at their fingertips when interacting with guests. And instead of simply sending a message out to your entire database and hoping some percentage will respond, Cendyn helps hotels get very granular in segmenting their audience and delivering personalized messages based on preferences, demographics and lifestyle.

We create “most valuable guest” modeling, allowing hotels to understand the profile of a property’s best guests and the attributes they have in common. With that valuable data, we can construct lookalike models of people with similar attributes, which allows clients to deliver personal messages from a new customer acquisition standpoint, attracting your next “most valuable guest.” Campaigns that use data to specifically target prospective customers in that way drive a significantly higher rate of return than broader campaigns, with less expense up front and a much higher return in revenue.

And when it comes to data, speed matters. Whether it’s allowing group sales teams to rapidly respond to requests for proposal with beautiful, personalized multimedia presentations, to centralized property data that allows meeting planners to quickly organize room blocks and activities, Cendyn helps clients move fast. For first responders, their likelihood of closing that business before any other proposals come in goes up significantly.

What makes Cendyn superior

Cendyn has been unlocking the power of data for a long time. We’ve done the hard work and have years of experience. What’s more, we are 100% focused on the hospitality industry, and many of our employees have worked in hospitality before joining Cendyn. We speak the language, and we understand the industry. All of the tools and processes that we’ve designed come from understanding the pain points hoteliers have to deal with, because we have sat on their side of the table. We have a very advanced middleware platform, and we pride ourselves in being the most connected CRM solution in the hospitality industry. We have over 150 different interfaces already built for a wide variety of structures, including property management systems and reservation systems.

We also understand that when you’re dealing with personal data, you have to take security extremely seriously. Protecting it has always been one of our top priorities. We’ve invested heavily in data security, and we remain the only hospitality CRM provider certified as compliant with SOC2, PCI and Privacy Shield specifications. Cendyn is also a member of the Cloud Security Alliance and listed on the CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry, as well being fully EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. Security and privacy is a huge part of what we do.

Because of our long experience, we’ve seen many different scenarios and have been able to address them in ways that are proven successful. We have more connections to more systems than anybody else in the industry because of that longevity, and we have a lot of benchmarking and best practices that we’ve put in place to know exactly what’s going to work for any size hotel company, from global brands to independent boutique properties. At Cendyn, we understand what works and are able to rapidly deploy data solutions that can quickly start driving results for our clients. That’s why we’ve been the No. 1 customer relationship management platform in the hospitality industry for 20 years.

Interested in Cendyn Hospitality Cloud solutions? Book a free business consultation today. 

First party data is a hotel’s most valuable asset. Unfortunately, too often that data simply sits there, getting stale, while nobody does anything with it. Our view at Cendyn is that we need to unlock the power of that data, making it actionable in an intelligent way so that data can be used to drive real business results.

Thinking back on your own experiences in booking travel, you can begin to envision your guest’s journey. When you have a destination in mind, you start by searching through an average of 20 different websites before making a booking decision. Then, when you’ve decided to book your travel, you use an online booking engine, or contact a call center and speak with a booking agent directly.

During your travel, you may be communicating with the property, planning activities, putting in requests for your stay to ensure you have your room set the way you want, or making upgrades. Once you arrive, you interact with the front desk and the concierge, and when you check out, you’re asked to review the property and share your experience on social media.

As guests move through their journeys, they interact with a myriad of different systems, but historically, those systems would not talk to each other. Each system would hold a sliver of information about each customer, but they would not be stitched together in any meaningful way.

Would a repeat guest rather hear “Have you stayed with us before?” from the agent at the front desk, or would they prefer the agent deliver a personalized “Welcome back!” message, complete with upgrade offers that take into account their previous room choices and dining preferences? At Cendyn, we bring all of your data together so you capture it, enhance it, and leverage it to have a more meaningful, personalized, and relevant communication with your guests at every touchpoint.

We measure ROI across all of our clients, and on average, for every dollar they spend on a Cendyn data solution, they make back $33 in booking revenue, much higher than the industry average. That’s because leveraging the power of the data in combination with human intellect can drive better engagement levels and improve customer relationships. Instead of allowing guest data to languish, we help our clients push that rich data out to the front lines, so the staff who are face-to-face with the guest on property have it at their fingertips when interacting with guests. And instead of simply sending a message out to your entire database and hoping some percentage will respond, Cendyn helps hotels get very granular in segmenting their audience and delivering personalized messages based on preferences, demographics and lifestyle.

Investing in data pays back $33 for every dollar

We create “most valuable guest” modeling, allowing hotels to understand the profile of a property’s best guests and the attributes they have in common. With that valuable data, we can construct lookalike models of people with similar attributes, which allows clients to deliver personal messages from a new customer acquisition standpoint, attracting your next “most valuable guest.” Campaigns that use data to specifically target prospective customers in that way drive a significantly higher rate of return than broader campaigns, with less expense up front and a much higher return in revenue.

And when it comes to data, speed matters. Whether it’s allowing group sales teams to rapidly respond to requests for proposal with beautiful, personalized multimedia presentations, to centralized property data that allows meeting planners to quickly organize room blocks and activities, Cendyn helps clients move fast. For first responders, their likelihood of closing that business before any other proposals come in goes up significantly.

Learn more about the

Cendyn Hospitality Cloud

What makes Cendyn superior

Cendyn has been unlocking the power of data for a long time. We’ve done the hard work and have years of experience. What’s more, we are 100% focused on the hospitality industry, and many of our employees have worked in hospitality before joining Cendyn. We speak the language, and we understand the industry. All of the tools and processes that we’ve designed come from understanding the pain points hoteliers have to deal with, because we have sat on their side of the table. We have a very advanced middleware platform, and we pride ourselves in being the most connected CRM solution in the hospitality industry. We have over 150 different interfaces already built for a wide variety of structures, including property management systems and reservation systems.

We also understand that when you’re dealing with personal data, you have to take security extremely seriously. Protecting it has always been one of our top priorities. We’ve invested heavily in data security, and we remain the only hospitality CRM provider certified as compliant with SOC2, PCI and Privacy Shield specifications. Cendyn is also a member of the Cloud Security Alliance and listed on the CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry, as well being fully EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. Security and privacy is a huge part of what we do.

Because of our long experience, we’ve seen many different scenarios and have been able to address them in ways that are proven successful. We have more connections to more systems than anybody else in the industry because of that longevity, and we have a lot of benchmarking and best practices that we’ve put in place to know exactly what’s going to work for any size hotel company, from global brands to independent boutique properties. At Cendyn, we understand what works and are able to rapidly deploy data solutions that can quickly start driving results for our clients. That’s why we’ve been the No. 1 customer relationship management platform in the hospitality industry for 20 years.

Interested in

Cendyn Hospitality Cloud solutions?

During your travel, you may be communicating with the property, planning activities, putting in requests for your stay to ensure you have your room set the way you want, or making upgrades. Once you arrive, you interact with the front desk and the concierge, and when you check out, you’re asked to review the property and share your experience on social media.

As guests move through their journeys, they interact with a myriad of different systems, but historically, those systems would not talk to each other. Each system would hold a sliver of information about each customer, but they would not be stitched together in any meaningful way.

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Travel chat with Laura Raso
Lover of travelling, Laura Raso, Guestfolio's Office Manager shares with us her favorite aspects of travel on the many trips and adventures she goes on living in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
5 reasons to meet with Cendyn at HITEC
Get ready Toronto, the hospitality masses will soon take over The Six for HITEC, the world’s largest hospitality technology conference.
Nicki Graham 12 Sep 2017

First party data is a hotel’s most valuable asset. Unfortunately, too often that data simply sits there, getting stale, while nobody does anything with it. Our view at Cendyn is that we need to unlock the power of that data, making it actionable in an intelligent way so that data can be used to drive real business results.

How data can enhance every guest’s journey

Thinking back on your own experiences in booking travel, you can begin to envision your guest’s journey. When you have a destination in mind, you start by searching through an average of 20 different websites before making a booking decision. Then, when you’ve decided to book your travel, you use an online booking engine, or contact a call center and speak with a booking agent directly.

During your travel, you may be communicating with the property, planning activities, putting in requests for your stay to ensure you have your room set the way you want, or making upgrades. Once you arrive, you interact with the front desk and the concierge, and when you check out, you’re asked to review the property and share your experience on social media.

As guests move through their journeys, they interact with a myriad of different systems, but historically, those systems would not talk to each other. Each system would hold a sliver of information about each customer, but they would not be stitched together in any meaningful way.

Would a repeat guest rather hear “Have you stayed with us before?” from the agent at the front desk, or would they prefer the agent deliver a personalized “Welcome back!” message, complete with upgrade offers that take into account their previous room choices and dining preferences? At Cendyn, we bring all of your data together so you capture it, enhance it, and leverage it to have a more meaningful, personalized, and relevant communication with your guests at every touchpoint.

Investing in data pays back $33 for every dollar

We measure ROI across all of our clients, and on average, for every dollar they spend on a Cendyn data solution, they make back $33 in booking revenue, much higher than the industry average. That’s because leveraging the power of the data in combination with human intellect can drive better engagement levels and improve customer relationships. Instead of allowing guest data to languish, we help our clients push that rich data out to the front lines, so the staff who are face-to-face with the guest on property have it at their fingertips when interacting with guests. And instead of simply sending a message out to your entire database and hoping some percentage will respond, Cendyn helps hotels get very granular in segmenting their audience and delivering personalized messages based on preferences, demographics and lifestyle.

We create “most valuable guest” modeling, allowing hotels to understand the profile of a property’s best guests and the attributes they have in common. With that valuable data, we can construct lookalike models of people with similar attributes, which allows clients to deliver personal messages from a new customer acquisition standpoint, attracting your next “most valuable guest.” Campaigns that use data to specifically target prospective customers in that way drive a significantly higher rate of return than broader campaigns, with less expense up front and a much higher return in revenue.

And when it comes to data, speed matters. Whether it’s allowing group sales teams to rapidly respond to requests for proposal with beautiful, personalized multimedia presentations, to centralized property data that allows meeting planners to quickly organize room blocks and activities, Cendyn helps clients move fast. For first responders, their likelihood of closing that business before any other proposals come in goes up significantly.

What makes Cendyn superior

Cendyn has been unlocking the power of data for a long time. We’ve done the hard work and have years of experience. What’s more, we are 100% focused on the hospitality industry, and many of our employees have worked in hospitality before joining Cendyn. We speak the language, and we understand the industry. All of the tools and processes that we’ve designed come from understanding the pain points hoteliers have to deal with, because we have sat on their side of the table. We have a very advanced middleware platform, and we pride ourselves in being the most connected CRM solution in the hospitality industry. We have over 150 different interfaces already built for a wide variety of structures, including property management systems and reservation systems.

We also understand that when you’re dealing with personal data, you have to take security extremely seriously. Protecting it has always been one of our top priorities. We’ve invested heavily in data security, and we remain the only hospitality CRM provider certified as compliant with SOC2, PCI and Privacy Shield specifications. Cendyn is also a member of the Cloud Security Alliance and listed on the CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry, as well being fully EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. Security and privacy is a huge part of what we do.

Because of our long experience, we’ve seen many different scenarios and have been able to address them in ways that are proven successful. We have more connections to more systems than anybody else in the industry because of that longevity, and we have a lot of benchmarking and best practices that we’ve put in place to know exactly what’s going to work for any size hotel company, from global brands to independent boutique properties. At Cendyn, we understand what works and are able to rapidly deploy data solutions that can quickly start driving results for our clients. That’s why we’ve been the No. 1 customer relationship management platform in the hospitality industry for 20 years.

Interested in Cendyn Hospitality Cloud solutions? Book a free business consultation today. 

First party data is a hotel’s most valuable asset. Unfortunately, too often that data simply sits there, getting stale, while nobody does anything with it. Our view at Cendyn is that we need to unlock the power of that data, making it actionable in an intelligent way so that data can be used to drive real business results.

Thinking back on your own experiences in booking travel, you can begin to envision your guest’s journey. When you have a destination in mind, you start by searching through an average of 20 different websites before making a booking decision. Then, when you’ve decided to book your travel, you use an online booking engine, or contact a call center and speak with a booking agent directly.

During your travel, you may be communicating with the property, planning activities, putting in requests for your stay to ensure you have your room set the way you want, or making upgrades. Once you arrive, you interact with the front desk and the concierge, and when you check out, you’re asked to review the property and share your experience on social media.

As guests move through their journeys, they interact with a myriad of different systems, but historically, those systems would not talk to each other. Each system would hold a sliver of information about each customer, but they would not be stitched together in any meaningful way.

Would a repeat guest rather hear “Have you stayed with us before?” from the agent at the front desk, or would they prefer the agent deliver a personalized “Welcome back!” message, complete with upgrade offers that take into account their previous room choices and dining preferences? At Cendyn, we bring all of your data together so you capture it, enhance it, and leverage it to have a more meaningful, personalized, and relevant communication with your guests at every touchpoint.

We measure ROI across all of our clients, and on average, for every dollar they spend on a Cendyn data solution, they make back $33 in booking revenue, much higher than the industry average. That’s because leveraging the power of the data in combination with human intellect can drive better engagement levels and improve customer relationships. Instead of allowing guest data to languish, we help our clients push that rich data out to the front lines, so the staff who are face-to-face with the guest on property have it at their fingertips when interacting with guests. And instead of simply sending a message out to your entire database and hoping some percentage will respond, Cendyn helps hotels get very granular in segmenting their audience and delivering personalized messages based on preferences, demographics and lifestyle.

Investing in data pays back $33 for every dollar

We create “most valuable guest” modeling, allowing hotels to understand the profile of a property’s best guests and the attributes they have in common. With that valuable data, we can construct lookalike models of people with similar attributes, which allows clients to deliver personal messages from a new customer acquisition standpoint, attracting your next “most valuable guest.” Campaigns that use data to specifically target prospective customers in that way drive a significantly higher rate of return than broader campaigns, with less expense up front and a much higher return in revenue.

And when it comes to data, speed matters. Whether it’s allowing group sales teams to rapidly respond to requests for proposal with beautiful, personalized multimedia presentations, to centralized property data that allows meeting planners to quickly organize room blocks and activities, Cendyn helps clients move fast. For first responders, their likelihood of closing that business before any other proposals come in goes up significantly.

Learn more about the

Cendyn Hospitality Cloud

What makes Cendyn superior

Cendyn has been unlocking the power of data for a long time. We’ve done the hard work and have years of experience. What’s more, we are 100% focused on the hospitality industry, and many of our employees have worked in hospitality before joining Cendyn. We speak the language, and we understand the industry. All of the tools and processes that we’ve designed come from understanding the pain points hoteliers have to deal with, because we have sat on their side of the table. We have a very advanced middleware platform, and we pride ourselves in being the most connected CRM solution in the hospitality industry. We have over 150 different interfaces already built for a wide variety of structures, including property management systems and reservation systems.

We also understand that when you’re dealing with personal data, you have to take security extremely seriously. Protecting it has always been one of our top priorities. We’ve invested heavily in data security, and we remain the only hospitality CRM provider certified as compliant with SOC2, PCI and Privacy Shield specifications. Cendyn is also a member of the Cloud Security Alliance and listed on the CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry, as well being fully EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. Security and privacy is a huge part of what we do.

Because of our long experience, we’ve seen many different scenarios and have been able to address them in ways that are proven successful. We have more connections to more systems than anybody else in the industry because of that longevity, and we have a lot of benchmarking and best practices that we’ve put in place to know exactly what’s going to work for any size hotel company, from global brands to independent boutique properties. At Cendyn, we understand what works and are able to rapidly deploy data solutions that can quickly start driving results for our clients. That’s why we’ve been the No. 1 customer relationship management platform in the hospitality industry for 20 years.

Interested in

Cendyn Hospitality Cloud solutions?

During your travel, you may be communicating with the property, planning activities, putting in requests for your stay to ensure you have your room set the way you want, or making upgrades. Once you arrive, you interact with the front desk and the concierge, and when you check out, you’re asked to review the property and share your experience on social media.

As guests move through their journeys, they interact with a myriad of different systems, but historically, those systems would not talk to each other. Each system would hold a sliver of information about each customer, but they would not be stitched together in any meaningful way.

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Travel chat with Laura Raso
Lover of travelling, Laura Raso, Guestfolio's Office Manager shares with us her favorite aspects of travel on the many trips and adventures she goes on living in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
5 reasons to meet with Cendyn at HITEC
Get ready Toronto, the hospitality masses will soon take over The Six for HITEC, the world’s largest hospitality technology conference.
Meet the team
Nicki Graham 12 Sep 2017

First party data is a hotel’s most valuable asset. Unfortunately, too often that data simply sits there, getting stale, while nobody does anything with it. Our view at Cendyn is that we need to unlock the power of that data, making it actionable in an intelligent way so that data can be used to drive real business results.

How data can enhance every guest’s journey

Thinking back on your own experiences in booking travel, you can begin to envision your guest’s journey. When you have a destination in mind, you start by searching through an average of 20 different websites before making a booking decision. Then, when you’ve decided to book your travel, you use an online booking engine, or contact a call center and speak with a booking agent directly.

During your travel, you may be communicating with the property, planning activities, putting in requests for your stay to ensure you have your room set the way you want, or making upgrades. Once you arrive, you interact with the front desk and the concierge, and when you check out, you’re asked to review the property and share your experience on social media.

As guests move through their journeys, they interact with a myriad of different systems, but historically, those systems would not talk to each other. Each system would hold a sliver of information about each customer, but they would not be stitched together in any meaningful way.

Would a repeat guest rather hear “Have you stayed with us before?” from the agent at the front desk, or would they prefer the agent deliver a personalized “Welcome back!” message, complete with upgrade offers that take into account their previous room choices and dining preferences? At Cendyn, we bring all of your data together so you capture it, enhance it, and leverage it to have a more meaningful, personalized, and relevant communication with your guests at every touchpoint.

Investing in data pays back $33 for every dollar

We measure ROI across all of our clients, and on average, for every dollar they spend on a Cendyn data solution, they make back $33 in booking revenue, much higher than the industry average. That’s because leveraging the power of the data in combination with human intellect can drive better engagement levels and improve customer relationships. Instead of allowing guest data to languish, we help our clients push that rich data out to the front lines, so the staff who are face-to-face with the guest on property have it at their fingertips when interacting with guests. And instead of simply sending a message out to your entire database and hoping some percentage will respond, Cendyn helps hotels get very granular in segmenting their audience and delivering personalized messages based on preferences, demographics and lifestyle.

We create “most valuable guest” modeling, allowing hotels to understand the profile of a property’s best guests and the attributes they have in common. With that valuable data, we can construct lookalike models of people with similar attributes, which allows clients to deliver personal messages from a new customer acquisition standpoint, attracting your next “most valuable guest.” Campaigns that use data to specifically target prospective customers in that way drive a significantly higher rate of return than broader campaigns, with less expense up front and a much higher return in revenue.

And when it comes to data, speed matters. Whether it’s allowing group sales teams to rapidly respond to requests for proposal with beautiful, personalized multimedia presentations, to centralized property data that allows meeting planners to quickly organize room blocks and activities, Cendyn helps clients move fast. For first responders, their likelihood of closing that business before any other proposals come in goes up significantly.

What makes Cendyn superior

Cendyn has been unlocking the power of data for a long time. We’ve done the hard work and have years of experience. What’s more, we are 100% focused on the hospitality industry, and many of our employees have worked in hospitality before joining Cendyn. We speak the language, and we understand the industry. All of the tools and processes that we’ve designed come from understanding the pain points hoteliers have to deal with, because we have sat on their side of the table. We have a very advanced middleware platform, and we pride ourselves in being the most connected CRM solution in the hospitality industry. We have over 150 different interfaces already built for a wide variety of structures, including property management systems and reservation systems.

We also understand that when you’re dealing with personal data, you have to take security extremely seriously. Protecting it has always been one of our top priorities. We’ve invested heavily in data security, and we remain the only hospitality CRM provider certified as compliant with SOC2, PCI and Privacy Shield specifications. Cendyn is also a member of the Cloud Security Alliance and listed on the CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry, as well being fully EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. Security and privacy is a huge part of what we do.

Because of our long experience, we’ve seen many different scenarios and have been able to address them in ways that are proven successful. We have more connections to more systems than anybody else in the industry because of that longevity, and we have a lot of benchmarking and best practices that we’ve put in place to know exactly what’s going to work for any size hotel company, from global brands to independent boutique properties. At Cendyn, we understand what works and are able to rapidly deploy data solutions that can quickly start driving results for our clients. That’s why we’ve been the No. 1 customer relationship management platform in the hospitality industry for 20 years.

Interested in Cendyn Hospitality Cloud solutions? Book a free business consultation today. 

First party data is a hotel’s most valuable asset. Unfortunately, too often that data simply sits there, getting stale, while nobody does anything with it. Our view at Cendyn is that we need to unlock the power of that data, making it actionable in an intelligent way so that data can be used to drive real business results.

Thinking back on your own experiences in booking travel, you can begin to envision your guest’s journey. When you have a destination in mind, you start by searching through an average of 20 different websites before making a booking decision. Then, when you’ve decided to book your travel, you use an online booking engine, or contact a call center and speak with a booking agent directly.

During your travel, you may be communicating with the property, planning activities, putting in requests for your stay to ensure you have your room set the way you want, or making upgrades. Once you arrive, you interact with the front desk and the concierge, and when you check out, you’re asked to review the property and share your experience on social media.

As guests move through their journeys, they interact with a myriad of different systems, but historically, those systems would not talk to each other. Each system would hold a sliver of information about each customer, but they would not be stitched together in any meaningful way.

Would a repeat guest rather hear “Have you stayed with us before?” from the agent at the front desk, or would they prefer the agent deliver a personalized “Welcome back!” message, complete with upgrade offers that take into account their previous room choices and dining preferences? At Cendyn, we bring all of your data together so you capture it, enhance it, and leverage it to have a more meaningful, personalized, and relevant communication with your guests at every touchpoint.

We measure ROI across all of our clients, and on average, for every dollar they spend on a Cendyn data solution, they make back $33 in booking revenue, much higher than the industry average. That’s because leveraging the power of the data in combination with human intellect can drive better engagement levels and improve customer relationships. Instead of allowing guest data to languish, we help our clients push that rich data out to the front lines, so the staff who are face-to-face with the guest on property have it at their fingertips when interacting with guests. And instead of simply sending a message out to your entire database and hoping some percentage will respond, Cendyn helps hotels get very granular in segmenting their audience and delivering personalized messages based on preferences, demographics and lifestyle.

Investing in data pays back $33 for every dollar

We create “most valuable guest” modeling, allowing hotels to understand the profile of a property’s best guests and the attributes they have in common. With that valuable data, we can construct lookalike models of people with similar attributes, which allows clients to deliver personal messages from a new customer acquisition standpoint, attracting your next “most valuable guest.” Campaigns that use data to specifically target prospective customers in that way drive a significantly higher rate of return than broader campaigns, with less expense up front and a much higher return in revenue.

And when it comes to data, speed matters. Whether it’s allowing group sales teams to rapidly respond to requests for proposal with beautiful, personalized multimedia presentations, to centralized property data that allows meeting planners to quickly organize room blocks and activities, Cendyn helps clients move fast. For first responders, their likelihood of closing that business before any other proposals come in goes up significantly.

Learn more about the

Cendyn Hospitality Cloud

What makes Cendyn superior

Cendyn has been unlocking the power of data for a long time. We’ve done the hard work and have years of experience. What’s more, we are 100% focused on the hospitality industry, and many of our employees have worked in hospitality before joining Cendyn. We speak the language, and we understand the industry. All of the tools and processes that we’ve designed come from understanding the pain points hoteliers have to deal with, because we have sat on their side of the table. We have a very advanced middleware platform, and we pride ourselves in being the most connected CRM solution in the hospitality industry. We have over 150 different interfaces already built for a wide variety of structures, including property management systems and reservation systems.

We also understand that when you’re dealing with personal data, you have to take security extremely seriously. Protecting it has always been one of our top priorities. We’ve invested heavily in data security, and we remain the only hospitality CRM provider certified as compliant with SOC2, PCI and Privacy Shield specifications. Cendyn is also a member of the Cloud Security Alliance and listed on the CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry, as well being fully EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. Security and privacy is a huge part of what we do.

Because of our long experience, we’ve seen many different scenarios and have been able to address them in ways that are proven successful. We have more connections to more systems than anybody else in the industry because of that longevity, and we have a lot of benchmarking and best practices that we’ve put in place to know exactly what’s going to work for any size hotel company, from global brands to independent boutique properties. At Cendyn, we understand what works and are able to rapidly deploy data solutions that can quickly start driving results for our clients. That’s why we’ve been the No. 1 customer relationship management platform in the hospitality industry for 20 years.

Interested in

Cendyn Hospitality Cloud solutions?

During your travel, you may be communicating with the property, planning activities, putting in requests for your stay to ensure you have your room set the way you want, or making upgrades. Once you arrive, you interact with the front desk and the concierge, and when you check out, you’re asked to review the property and share your experience on social media.

As guests move through their journeys, they interact with a myriad of different systems, but historically, those systems would not talk to each other. Each system would hold a sliver of information about each customer, but they would not be stitched together in any meaningful way.

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Travel chat with Laura Raso
Lover of travelling, Laura Raso, Guestfolio's Office Manager shares with us her favorite aspects of travel on the many trips and adventures she goes on living in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
5 reasons to meet with Cendyn at HITEC
Get ready Toronto, the hospitality masses will soon take over The Six for HITEC, the world’s largest hospitality technology conference.
Meet the team