Whether it’s for business or personal, Cendyn’s Director of Key Accounts Rachael Ponzan uses her iPhone for everything! Let’s take a look.
What is your most used app? Google Sheets with Pinterest closely behind
Who was the last person you called? My mom, Abi
What is your current screen saver? Hold screen is my dog, background is a wedding picture (3 years in October!)
Current ringtone. Do people still have ringtones? I don’t remember the last time my phone wasn’t on silent, so I would have to say just vibrate.
Favorite emoji. Crying laughter face
What type of phone do you have? iPhone 6
Last app you downloaded. Houzz, in another life I want to be Joanna Gaines
Who is the last person you texted? Olga Peddie!
How many unread emails do you have? Zero, always. I obsessively check my emails and hate the look of alerts on apps.
Favorite photo on your camera roll. A picture of a painting my sister made of my dog, Wrigley. It looks like a photograph!