Travel chat with Laura Raso, Guestfolio's Office Manager
Lover of travelling, Laura Raso, Guestfolio’s Office Manager shares with us her favorite aspects of travel on the many trips and adventures she goes on living in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Originally from Spain, Laura moved to Canada in 2012 – all starting as a one year travel journey, she now calls Whistler her home.
How long have you been traveling? I started traveling when I was 20 years old. When I was studying abroad in France, so 9 years and counting.
What do you do to avoid getting sick? I don’t get sick when traveling
What is the best way to change currency? Always use your credit card if you can. Never exchange currency at the airport.
Aisle or Window? Window. I use it as a wall to rest and try to sleep on long flights.
Tips on how to take a nap on a plane? If it is along flight, I try to make the most of the day before traveling and do not sleep much. Next day your body will ask for a rest, the flight will feel really short.
What’s your favorite airline and hotel? Favorite airline Air France. I don’t have a favorite hotel, always like to try new places.
Best way to overcome jetlag? Coffee
What is your favorite/worst thing about traveling? Worst thing, I do not like the take off. My favorite thing is the excitement of knowing a new place and explore local markets, I love markets.
What is your longest trip to date? (Number of nights and location) . Five weeks traveling around Mexico.
Do you believe you do not know someone till you have traveled with them? Yes, you get to spend 24/7 with someone. You can get to know a lot about your travel partner, which it can be a great experience or a nightmare.
What is your travel horror story? I had to spend the night at the airport. The airline delayed the flight and didn’t accommodate any of us.
Favorite destination and why? Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, this place is breathtaking. Favorite city, this is a hard choice, Rome and Paris are a must visit and explore cities, but Budapest really impressed me.